Strategic Business Planning

A strategic business plan is often needed when someone is starting a new business venture, product or service; or expanding a current organization. Perhaps you are buying a new company, product or service. A business plan helps you clarify your new company’s direction and keeps both management and staff focused on priority goals. A well-thought-out plan provides a blueprint: it describes your company, its products, the competitive environment, management team, financial health, and business risks.

Contact Lake Accounting & Tax LLC, to create a strategic business plan that will also help you develop financial plans. A financial plan may include start-up and operating costs, profits, and break-even analysis for a period up to three years.

Furthermore, a new business owner may need assistance in developing marketing plans, which would outline timelines for promotional campaigns. When we meet with clients, we may suggest a target customer profile needs to be clarified. We will analyze the market conditions, the nature of both your customers and competitors, and create projected results for these efforts.

Reach out to Lake Accounting & Tax LLC, to discuss creating a strategic business plan that meets the needs of your unique business.

If you have questions about this topic or in general, please call us at 203-634-7549 or click the button below to set up a free consultation. We’re here to help you solves your financial questions.

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